Monday, July 2, 2007

Zero Padding a numeric value in Transact SQL

A quick one before I go home (and just because I used it 10 minutes ago)... I zero pad a numeric value like this:

DECLARE @mynumber INT,
        @padding  INT
SELECT @mynumber = 123, 
       @padding = 8
SELECT REPLACE(STR(@mynumber, @padding), ' ', '0')
The result of this example will be
I admit, it is not very elegant, but is string manipulation ever elegant in TSQL...


Gary Brunton said...

This just came in handy for me. I really hate formatting in T-SQL but every once in a while I have to.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much-I was at the end of a busy day this was just what I was looking for.

Fernando said...

Man, thanx... really worth XD

Anonymous said...

I use this method, which I find makes it pretty clear to other readers of my code that I'm trying to pad the number!

SELECT RIGHT('00000000'+ CAST(@mynumber AS VARCHAR(8)), 8)

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think it is the most elegant solution to this problem that I've seen.

Anonymous said...

Just what I was looking for. Great job!

Anonymous said...

This tried:

DECLARE @mynumber bigINT,
@padding INT
SELECT @mynumber = 219923741,
@padding = 10 - len(@mynumber)
SELECT REPLACE(STR(@mynumber, @padding), ' ', '0')

I am getting output as * :((

Filip De Vos said...

You are setting the total requested length to 1 (by doing @padding = 10 - len(@mynumber)) while you are trying to enter a number of 9 digits.

The example below works fine because here we are formatting the 9 digit number as a 10 digit string:

DECLARE @mynumber bigINT,
@padding INT
SELECT @mynumber = 219923741,
@padding = 10
SELECT REPLACE(STR(@mynumber, @padding), ' ', '0')

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this - it saved me a bit of time today.

Farid Masood said...

What I tried

REPLACE(STR(I.OrganizationID,6),' ',0)

Thanks for your Idea.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Anonymous said...

event better is

DECLARE @mynumber numeric(5,2),
@padding INT
SELECT @mynumber = 123,
@padding = 8
SELECT REPLACE(STR(@mynumber, @padding,2), ' ', '0')

to accomodate the decimal number

Anonymous said...

"I use this method, which I find makes it pretty clear to other readers of my code that I'm trying to pad the number!

SELECT RIGHT('00000000'+ CAST(@mynumber AS VARCHAR(8)), 8)"

This works great!!! Keeps me from having to do separate queries using the len() command... this is one step and is awesome. Thanks whoever posted this.

Anonymous said...

SELECT RIGHT('00000000'+ CAST(@mynumber AS VARCHAR(8)), 8)


Unknown said...

SELECT RIGHT('00000000'+ CAST(@mynumber AS VARCHAR(8)), 8)

Works great, but not that elegant. Think about creating a key to match with another table, think about field lengthts of more than 10 positions...

Nice alternative is the Replicate-function:

Unknown said...

--just check if length of number is less then pedding else don't do anything
DECLARE @mynumber INT,
@padding INT
SELECT @mynumber = 123,
@padding = 8

if LEN(@mynumber)<8

SELECT REPLACE(STR(@mynumber, @padding), ' ', '0')